Registration is open for a webinar to be hosted by Vallourec on “Solutions for Well Integrity Challenges in High Temperature Geothermal Wells” on the 9th of July 2024. To accommodate different time zones, there will be 2 sessions for the webinar.

Click here to register for Session 1: 9 AM (Paris) / 11 AM (Dubai) / 2 PM (Jakarta)

Click here to register for Session 2: 10 AM (Houston) / 12 PM (Rio de Janeiro) / 5 PM (Paris)

Operating high-temperature geothermal wells presents several well integrity challenges, primarily induced by the extreme temperatures of the produced fluids. One major concern is the risk of casing collapse, which can severely compromise the well’s structural integrity. Additionally, the high temperatures cause significant material elongation, leading to longitudinal stresses on both pipes and connections. This elongation can result in deformation or even failure of critical components if not properly managed.

Another significant issue is the derating of the material’s mechanical performance. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can weaken the materials used in well construction, reducing their ability to withstand operational stresses.  These challenges necessitate careful selection of both tubulars and connections to ensure they can maintain integrity under such demanding conditions.

In this webcast, François Penven, Geothermal Marketing & Development Manager, will delve into the specific failure modes associated with high-temperature geothermal wells and present solutions to increase long-term well integrity. By exploring advanced materials, innovative designs, and best practices in well construction and maintenance, participants will gain valuable insights into mitigating risks and extending the lifespan of geothermal wells.

Source: Vallourec via email correspondence

The post Webinar – Solutions for well integrity challenges in high-temp geothermal, 9 July 2024 first appeared on ThinkGeoEnergy – Geothermal Energy News.

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