The birth of artificial intelligence can be seen as something destructive for the journalism industry, as it may signify the sign of losing the fight against keeping human minds at the forefront of telling stories. However, AI has been in existence for decades, and people use it to make their lives simpler and easier to navigate.

Here’s how you can make use of AI to help people understand what it means to the world:

Make use of similes and metaphors

In a report, LinkedIn said using analogies and metaphors that connect AI to something people already know or care about is a great method to break down the barriers between people and AI. AI can be compared to a recipe that instructs a computer on how to prepare a portion of food or to a human brain that acquires knowledge through observation and feedback. Making AI more approachable and relatable can be accomplished through the use of analogies and metaphors, which enable individuals to better visualize and connect AI to their own knowledge and experience.

Exhibit cases and demonstrations

Showing examples and demos that highlight how AI works and what it can achieve is another great technique to make AI easy to grasp. To engage with AI models for tasks like face detection, image production, or NLP, you can use a variety of online tools and apps. Show examples of how AI is being used in the real world, such as in self-driving cars, smart assistants, or medical diagnoses, using movies or images. People’s curiosity and enthusiasm for AI can be piqued by providing them with examples and demos that show both the potential and the limitations of the technology.

Justify the context and your aims

Third, avoid using too much technical information or jargon when explaining AI’s underlying principles and its intended applications. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subfield of computer science that seeks to design and build robots and computerized systems capable of human-level cognitive functions like reasoning, learning, and decision-making. You should also mention that there are many subfields within the field of artificial intelligence, such as machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. A better understanding of what artificial intelligence is and why it matters can be gained by providing a primer on the subject’s foundational concepts and overarching goals.

Avoid jargon and abbreviations

Fourth, instead of using jargon or intimidatingly complex phrases, try explaining AI concepts in everyday English. Rules or patterns that instruct a machine on how to solve a problem or carry out a task are another way of describing how artificial intelligence works. You might rephrase this by saying that AI makes use of information or traits that aid a computer in learning or improving, rather than data or features. Avoiding acronyms and using plain English can make it easier for your audience to follow up with your remarks.

Inspire curiosity and curiosity-based learning

Facilitating individual and group learning about AI through the provision of relevant resources, opportunities, and suggestions is the fifth strategy for simplifying AI for the general public. You can share resources for learning AI from the ground up, such as books, podcasts, blogs, classes, and events. They can be encouraged to experiment with coding platforms, chatbots, and games that make use of artificial intelligence. People’s knowledge and enthusiasm about AI, as well as their ability to adapt to new situations and problems, can benefit from being encouraged to study and explore.

This Story HOW CAN WE SIMPLIFY AI SO THAT EVERYONE CAN USE IT? was originally posted at

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