With positive results of an initial feasibility study, the geothermal heating project in the municipality of Purmerend in the Netherlands is set to progress to a more detailed investigation and the start of the permitting process. The project is a joint effort of developer Yeager Energy, Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), Stadsverwarming Purmerend (SVP), and the Municipality of Purmerend.

The geothermal project aspires to supply sustainable and affordable heat to Purmerend’s existing heating network. Serving around 27,000 connection, the currently heating network operated by SVP mainly runs on biomass, with natural gas-fired coilers for peak demand and backup.

The exploration license for the ‘Purmerend 3’ area, located just above the municipality of Purmerend, was granted to Yeager Energy in the 4th quarter of 2021. This year, Yeager Energy and EBN will focus on further investigating the potential for geothermal heat extraction, as well as the start of process of securing permits including the environmental permit and the environmental impact assessment.

Location of the Purmerend 3 license area in North Holland, Netherlands (source: Yeager Energy)

“If the additional research confirms that the subsurface is suitable for the safe and responsible extraction of geothermal heat and the permit process goes smoothly, follow-up steps can be taken,” said the parties involved.

By 2027, it is expected that the heating network in Purmerend will be partially connected to a geothermal heat source and that the first households can start to benefit from a clean and renewable heat supply.

Yeager Energy is also developing geothermal in the Nissewaard license area and the Aardwarmte Delfland project through the acquisition of Warmtebedrijf Westland back in 2021.

Source: Geothermie Nederland and Yeager Energy

The post Geothermal heating project in Purmerend, Netherlands to progress to next phase first appeared on ThinkGeoEnergy – Geothermal Energy News.

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